Enhance Energy Efficiency
Wide-ranging vehicle range: Lighter cars require less battery power for accelerating and maintaining speed, allowing a single charge to go further. Generative design enables engineers to remove material, while maintaining strength and stiffness properties required for safety and comfort. With less power required, the battery pack size and weight is reduced, one of the biggest contributors to an electric car’s weight.
Detailed design for efficiency, cooling and noise: To balance performance, cost and weight requirements, designers can utilize multiphysics simulation to enhance the e-Mobility driving experience. Detailed e-motor electromagnetics with Altair® Flux® and magneto-thermal simulation with Altair CFD™ evaluates the convection and radiation contributing to efficiency losses. Altair® OptiStruct® offers insight into sound quality and passenger experience influenced by e-propulsion systems, as well as wind and road noise with Altair CFD.
e-Mobility challenges in crash and safety: The battery pack is critical in e-Mobility safety, and insights from the simulation of vehicle crash events, road debris impact and shocks need to align with the speed of your vehicle program. Altair’s investment in vehicle safety, in collaboration with leaders in vehicle battery research, now enables efficient and accurate analysis of mechanical failures that could lead to battery fires because of a short circuit.